Watch Out for Crazy People!

A fan site for Lisa Freedman

Happy BDay from Scott & Sharon

on April 29, 2013
I didn’t realize Lisa was older than Sharon (Sharon turns 50 at the beginning of June).  Man, she’s old, LOL!  Let her know that the day she turns 50, every bone, joint, and muscle start to hurt and, until replaced with fake ones, won’t stop :-).
I’m not sure what we can say that can be ‘published’ in a publicly viewable forum!  Let Lisa know that we love her and truly appreciate how fun she has always been when we visit (we don’t get a chance to hang out with you guys enough, and, lately, less and less as our lives get more complicated).  You can also let her know (for me) that I think she’s crazy if she’s still doing her Black Friday ritual!  I tried that once, a couple of years ago, and aged an extra year and a half throughout the morning alone.  It took me a week to recover (and felt like I’d aged another year from the residual stress).
Miss you guys!
Later, Scott & Sharon

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