Why “Watch Out for Crazy People”?
“Watch out for crazy people” is kind of Lisa’s motto inside the walls of her home. Lisa has made our home a safe, warm, loving environment for our family. But she realizes that the door to our house is the symbolic threshold to her zone of protection for the people she loves most in this world. When our girls were old enough to start to be able to leave the house on their own, Lisa would always yell out “WATCH OUT FOR CRAZY PEOPLE!” It was her way of saying (al a Hill Street Blues) “Let’s be careful out there.” It always made the girls laugh and in one simple, funny sentence, told them that they were loved and that they needed to be safe. Our lovely ladies are in their early 20’s now, but that doesn’t stop Lisa from still yelling out, “WATCH OUT FOR CRAZY PEOPLE” to them.
I just have one question … what if the crazy people are really the ones *inside* the family?
— Jeff